Dos de los ejes del mal, el FMI y el BM, llevaran a cabo su reunion anual en octubre en la ciudad de Washington. Estas dos instituciones estan destruyendo nuestras comunidades. Causando imigracion; los acuerdos de libre comercio y sus politicas han resultado en pobreza extrema y marginalizacion, forzando a millones de personas de Mexico, Haiti y demas lugares de Centro America, Asia y Africa, a huir de sus países arriesgando sus vidas en el mar, solo para ser tratados como criminales, detenidos y deportados una vez que llegan a E.U. El FMI eliminó los subsidios de combustible de Iraq, elevando los precios de la comida y otras necesidades. El Banco Mundial privatizó el sistema de salud de Afganistán, y esta ayudando a las compañias mineras a robar los recursos del Congo. (A) // (E)
Two of the axes of evil, the IMF and the WB, will have their annual meeting in octuber at the city of Washington. These two institutions are wreaking havoc in our communities. Causing immigration; Free trade agreements and their policies have resulted in extreme poverty and marginalization, forcing millions from Mexico, Haiti, and elsewhere in Central America, Asia, and Africa, to flee their countries, risking their lives at sea, only to be treated as criminals, detained and deported once in the U.S. The IMF eliminated Iraq's fuel subsidies, driving up prices of food and other necessities. The World Bank privatized Afghanistan's healthcare, and is helping mining companies rob Congo's resources.
Two of the axes of evil, the IMF and the WB, will have their annual meeting in octuber at the city of Washington. These two institutions are wreaking havoc in our communities. Causing immigration; Free trade agreements and their policies have resulted in extreme poverty and marginalization, forcing millions from Mexico, Haiti, and elsewhere in Central America, Asia, and Africa, to flee their countries, risking their lives at sea, only to be treated as criminals, detained and deported once in the U.S. The IMF eliminated Iraq's fuel subsidies, driving up prices of food and other necessities. The World Bank privatized Afghanistan's healthcare, and is helping mining companies rob Congo's resources.
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